Budzyński Maciej

Software Engineer - Python & Java Developer - Master of Computer Science


About Me

My name is Maciej Budzyński. I work as a Python Developer in the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world. I have a master's degree in computer science. I studied at the Catholic University of Lublin. In addition, I worked as a Junior Java Developer for COI, developing software that uses the whole country.

Backend programming is my specialty. I am not afraid to learn and use as much technology as I need. I adhere to the principle that a programming language is just a tool on the way to achieving goals. Personally, I feel good in Python writing web applications using FastAPI. I can also write in Java, Spring and Frontend.


  • python
  • java
  • c
  • javascript
  • django
  • spring
  • sqlite
  • postgresql
  • git
  • docker
  • apachekafka
  • gitlab
  • jenkins
  • json
  • graphql
  • windows
  • linux
  • jira
  • apachemaven


01.09.2022 - present

Ringier Axel Springer Tech - As part of the Onet area, I took care of the development and maintenance of the e-mail product as a software engineer. For this purpose, I used tools such as Python, C, JavaScript, MySQL, Couchbase, Salt, Linux and AWS. Development and maintenance took place from server to pixel, which means that I was responsible for creating the functionality, testing it, implementing it on production linux servers and the AWS cloud, and then maintaining this functionality.

12.07.2021 - 31.08.2022

Nexio Management - For the first two months, I worked on an internal project of a humanoid robot, operating on the basis of Robot Operating System and the Python language used during object recognition using the Zed camera. From 09/2021 I was outsourced to an outsourcing company, thanks to which I was able to provide contracting services for the world's No. 2 pharmaceutical company as Python Developer. I have worked in projects using Python, Java, Powershell and tools such as Makefile, Git, Gitlab CI, Docker, SQLite, Jira, PyCharm, Apache NiFi. I used FastAPI, PyTest, Poetry, Click, Sphinx, SQLAlchemy from Python frameworks and libraries. The projects were carried out in the SCRUM methodology. The project was international (PL, CA, US, BY), so during all meetings, code review and communication, English was used.

01.07.2019 - 30.09.2020

Centralny Ośrodek Informatyki - First three months I have worked as Intern. I was responsible for maintaining central evidence of cars system for polish goverment. I was writing PL/SQL scripts to fix data on the Oracle database and analysing bugs in Java 8 + Java EE application. I was also responsible for writing new changes to software that use milions of people in Poland using technologies like Java 8, Spock and JUnit. I also learned how to work with UML Documentation with Visual Paradigm, track issues using JIRA, test SOAP services, write XSD for Contract First approach, deploy and use WebLogic server. After three months, I was promoted to junior Java developer. At that time, I was developing the project of the Passport Documents Registry using Java 11, Gradle, GraphQL and Docker. Most of my task was system integrations using Apache Kafka.

10.07.2018 - 31.07.2018

VentureDevs - Practices as part of university program. Work as a Intern Python Developer. I was developing Django App that fetch videos from Youtube.

02.03.2015 - 30.03.2015

Izba Skarbowa w Lublinie - Practices as part of technical college. Work as a IT Serviceman. I was installing Windows, removing hard drives and all the maintenance stuff.

Personal Blog

This is my personal blog in polish language build using static site generator Hugo (that is build on top of GoLang). Its available at https://blog.budzynskimaciej.pl/.

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Django App

This project is build using Python, Django and Celery. Its web service that fetch most popular videos from youtube everyday. It allows to register and login to check user videos.

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Hospital Management System

This app is still work in progress. It will use Python, Django and DjangoRESTFramework to simulate hospital management system.

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